www.newc.co.uk - National Equine Welfare Council,
a group of over 30 equine welfare organisations
www.thedonkeysanctuary.org.uk - UK based charity promoting donkey and mule care and welfare
www.horsetrust.org.uk - The Horse Trust is a UK
based charity focussing on welfare and funding
scientific research.
www.clovellydonkeys.co.uk - Clovelly village in
North Devon, famous for its resident donkeys
and mules!
http://www.bhs.org.uk - UK based charity dedicated
to prevent neglect and cruelty
www.donkey-mule.org.nz New Zealand mule association
www.americanmuleassociation.org/home American Mule Association
www.lovelongears.com The American Donkey and Mule Society
www.nasma.net North American Saddle Mule Association
www.donkeyandmule.com Canadian Donkey and Mule Association
Information Resources
http://www.mischka.com/ Specialists in draft animals (inc. mules) and sustainable land use.
http://www.ruralheritage.com Publishers of magazines / books on draft animals and small scale farming.
Stickermule - The official sponsor of our On Line Show
http://www.stickermule.com All kinds of stickers, decals and promotional merchandise
Mule Art
www.bonnieshields.com Cowboy cartoonist, famous for her mule art
www.muledays.org Annual event, held each Memorial Day weekend in Bishop, USA. A mule show which lasts
a week, all disciplines plus a parade, mule racing and packing.